Good evening, M-A Robotics families!
Welcome to our second weekly blog post! We had very productive meetings this week as we prepare to welcome our main batch of rookies next Wednesday. We’re looking forward to a busy week in terms of outreach this week, with Club Rush, Science Night, and two lunch meetings to welcome new members.
Here’s this week’s update!
It's business as usual this week, with our Wednesday meeting 6-9pm and our Saturday meeting 12:30-4:30, with steering committee until 5:30.
What’s going on this week?
We’re getting ready for Club Rush and our main influx of rookies! Our rookie game mascot is almost done, and we’re hard at work building the chassis for our rookies to use. Training program development is going strong, and the rookies we already have are being super patient and helpful, despite the fact that they’re here much sooner than most of our rookies.We can’t wait to welcome all our new members in the next couple of weeks!
What outreach events do we have coming up?
We’ve got a busy couple of weeks! Students, please sign up to volunteer on the sign-ups page at Outreach Sign-Ups. Up first, we have Club Rush at lunch on Wednesday! We’ll be showing off our robot on the green during lunch and getting as many signups as we can. The next night, Thursday, we’ll be attending Science Night at the Menlo Park Public Library from 6:00pm-8:30pm. There, we get to interact with elementary school kids and show them what we do! On Friday, we have a lunch meeting in C-15 to present to potential new members. Then, next Wednesday, we’ve got another lunch meeting in C-15 to bring any rookies who weren’t able to attend the first meeting up to date.
What did we accomplish this week?
Started grant application
Looked at team logistics and future
Began writing tutorials for business tasks
Finished CAD and design for rookie training part
Finished manufacturing parts for rookie chassis
Worked on tutorial
Worked on rookie training program
Set up new computers
Finished rookie game mascot!!
Pulled out electronics for rookie chassis
Finished CAD for rookie game mascot
What are we hoping to accomplish in the next week?
Begin developing a business plan
Work on business tutorials
Research and apply for grants
Set up for rookie training
Finish rookie team mascot
Assemble rookie game chassis
Finish tutorials
Set up remaining computers
Work on coding rookie game mascot
Figure out plan for training
Finish rookie game mascot neck
Establish rookie training plan
Have a great week! We'll be back Saturday with our next update.